“Julian March (1946), the Film that has Never Reached the Cannes Film Festival”,
Slovenska Kinoteka, Ljubljana, May 10, 2023 at 5:00 PM
The Trieste Crisis coincided with the wave of establishment of film festivals across Europe. This means that the festival circuit quickly became an arena in which the struggle for cultural hegemony took place, and that the films about the conflict over the Northern Adriatic were not aimed only at local but also at international audiences. The documentary Julian March (1946) was the first Yugoslav film ever sent to the festivals abroad, namely to the Cannes film festival. However, it never reached the festival screens, as it was immediately rejected. Bearing in mind the Cold War perspective, this lecture will explore the reasons for this rejection. [more info > here]
Julian March (1946), the Film that has Never Reached the Cannes Film Festival, Slovenska Kinoteka, Ljubljana, May 10, 2023 at 5:00 PM
Film Festival Programming in Turbulent Political Circumstances: from the Trieste Crisis (1945–1954) to Contemporary Contexts, UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management, University of Arts, Belgrade, 12. 04. 2023.
Festival jugoslovenskog dokumentarnog i kratkometražnog filma, 1954-2004. Od jugoslovenskog socijalizma do srpskog nacionalizma, Filmski centar Srbije, 2023. March 27, 2023, at 7PM in Dom omladine, Belgrade.
Les festivals de cinéma comme une arène de la diplomatie culturelle. Circulations de films sur la Crise de Trieste au début de la guerre froide (1945–1954), within the seminar “Circulations internationales et (sorties de) Guerre froide“, EHESS, Paris, January 10, 2023.
Using Image as ‘Evidence’: The Cinematic Battle for the Upper Adriatic within the Summer School “Upper Adriatic Borderlands. Transitions, Identities and Urban Spaces in the Port City of Trieste and Hinterland (from 19th to 21st Century)”, University of Trieste, July 14, 2022.
The Cinematic Battle for the Adriatic: Films, Frontiers and the Trieste Crisis, Slovenska kinoteka – Ljubljana (May 11, 2023), Kulturni dom – Nova Gorica (May 12, 2023), Cinema Artiston – Trieste (May 16, 2023).
“ORIENTE/OCCIDENTE. La frontiera nel cinema e nella storia 1945-1954-2025” [ITA], co-organised by Kinoatelje (Gorizia/Nova Gorica), La Cappella Underground (Trieste), Slovenian Cinematheque (Ljubljana) and University Ca’ Foscari of Venice (through the MSCA project CBA TRIESTE), Ljubljana, Nova Gorica, Gorizia, Trieste, May 9-16, 2022.
La Biennale di Venezia, invited presentation within the programme Classici fuori Mostra, followed by the screening of the restaurated copy of the film H8 (Nikola Tanhofer, YUG, 1958), Cinema Rossini, Venice, March 17, 2022. Video about the event is available here [SRB-CRO]. Audio about the event is available here [ENG]
Triveneto and the Cinematic Battle for the Adriatic: from the Trieste Crisis until Today, within the Study Day “(Re)Mediating Landscape. Media, cartographie e paesaggi nel Triveneto“, Universita IUAV di Venezia, April 13, 2022.
Film Festivals and the Battle with Cameras – Who does Trieste Belong to?, within the conference: “Reframing Film Festivals: Histories, Economies, Cultures“, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, February, 11-12, 2020
La bataille des caméras – à qui appartient Trieste ?, at the 22nd history festival “Rendez-vous de l’histoire – L’Italie“. Presentation organized in collaboration with Croatian Film Archives (Zagreb), Slovenian Film Archives (Ljubljana), Filmske Novosti (Belgrade), Istituto Luce Cinecittà (Rome), Association Europe Ensemble, Conservatoire, Blois, October, 11, 2019
The Politics of Archiving – The Politics and Archiving: The Case of Yugoslav Documentary and Short Film Festival (1954-present), at NECS 2015 “Archives of/for the Future“, Łódz University, June 18-20, 2015
Representations of the Holocaust in Yugoslav (Belgrade) Documentary and Short Film Festival, 1954-today, within the conference “Representation of the Holocaust in the Balkans in Arts and Media”, Dom omladine, Belgrade, October 2-3, 2014. Full video of the presentation is available here
PAPER PRESENTATION Film Festivals as an Arena for Political Debate – Yugoslav Black Wave Films in Belgrade and Oberhausen Film Festival, 1967-1973, within the conference “Cultural Transfer and Political Conflicts. Film Festivals in the Cold War“ organized by the Hannah Arendt Institute and CHCSC, Universitätsbibliothek Albertina, Leipzig, May 9-10, 2014
INVITED TALK Le cinéma yougoslave, 15èmes Rencontres du cinéma européen à Vannes, Université de Bretagne Sud, IUT, March 3, 2016.
Retour sur le conflit yougoslave, Université populaire Unipop Historie (Festival international du film d’histoire & L’association cinéma Jean Eustache), Cinéma Jean Eustache, Pessac, January 4, 2016.
L’Envers d’une Histoire (Mila Turajlic, SRB/FRA, 2018), cinéma Les Lobis, Blois, February 25, 2019.
“A Different Paris”. Selection of films from the Collectif Jeune Cinéma’s catalogue & the from the award lists of the Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris’s. Together with Frédéric Tachou. Alternative Film Video Festival, Belgrade, December 2015.
Tradition filmique et innovation cinématographique. Un nouveau regard. Selection of films made by young filmmakers working in Serbia. Festival des cinémas différentes et expérimentaux de Paris, December 7, 2012.
Full list of conferences and talks [PDF]